Personalization For Improving Conversion Rate

Personalization, is it even legal and ethical, or are we at the edge, but still fine?

Personalization For CRO Improvement #

What do we understand by personalization, and how can we do personalization without gathering any personal information about the customer? As part of overall conversion rate optimization, personalization plays a key role in improving user experience.

Let's be 100% honest, imagine there is no data, no Google Analytics, no Meta in the sky... oh sorry, but you can listen to the legendary song as background music while you are reading this article.

So, imagine we don't have any data, then when a customer is visiting our website, what kind of personalization are we talking about? The best we can do is to make our website maximally comfortable to use for everyone.

Slap... back to reality. Yes, we can use those kinds of words, this is not a censored resource.

So back to reality, we have tons of data, even without Google or Meta, just a simple browser can give us some data that we can use for personalization, for example:

  • Location
  • Device
  • Time Zone

and many many others

Location - is it a rich city or country? Statistically, are there more women or men in that location? Based on that, we can show different text and different leading headings through strategic copywriting.

Device - the screen density can tell more about the devices. We can even detect the iPhone model. If the customer is a poor guy or has money, should we suggest a case cover for their phone? Should we suggest an expensive or cheap one?

Time Zone - what time does the customer visit us? After work? If the customer is tired, maybe they don't want too much text, so we will reduce the amount of text. If the customer is tired - let's suggest some products for resting. Or maybe it's lunch time, the customer might be eating some junk food and checking products for better control of their eating habits, then let's suggest dieting products during lunch time.

Are these examples of personalization, spying, or using personal data?

Well, we are not here to judge. It is even interesting to play around with this data and make use of it, isn't it? Some evil laughter here would be nice.

But what we have shared are just childish examples. In the real ecommerce world, the methods are worse.

Personalization - Email #

Email is our second passport, maybe even first on the internet. If you have the email of the customer or visitor, you know almost 60% about that person:

  • Where they live
  • Their income amount
  • Their gender
  • Their age

Based on this, you can run online or offline marketing - offline is even more evil. )))

Online Marketing Using Email #

Once a customer shares their email, we can immediately send an HTTP request to some "good guys" who will return all the available information we mentioned above. Based on that, we can play around with how we want to present the website, how to show discounts, even change the color scheme of the website. These changes can be validated through proper A/B testing.

Color scheme is a secret weapon - you can dynamically adjust the color scheme of the website based on the gender of the customer.

Knowing the email, we can send marketing emails if the customer abandoned their cart.

Offline Marketing Using Email #

So, the customer abandoned the cart, the customer refused to buy... well, knowing their email, they're not going to get rid of us so easily.

There are many "good guys" who provide the physical address of the email owner. What are we doing with that? Of course, we are sending marketing letters/papers with discount codes on them, or QR codes to scan and go directly to the abandoned cart.

Of course, this is very brutal and not every store owner does this, as customers might ask questions about how we know their address. But don't forget that the "good guys" also gave us the age of the customer - so usually elderly people are not that attentive, they are used to getting physical letters and might find it even useful.

Personalization Using Phone Number #

Well, all the things we have said about email can be suitable for this case too, plus SMS. If we have a number, we can send SMS - we just need to have consent to send SMS, but that's also easily doable.

Personalization for CRO Using Quizzes #

This is already more ethical and transparent because customers share their data and details willingly. A thorough CRO audit can help determine the most effective quiz strategy for your site.

Some examples of quizzes in ecommerce websites for personalization:

  • Skin care - customers can share details about their skin type, and based on that, the shop owner can show matching products. I think this is fair enough and win-win.
  • Sleeping/Bedding - customers can share details about their sleeping positions, weight, and other habits of their sleeping culture. Based on that, ecommerce store owners can show corresponding products, like soft or firm sleeping products, or materials.

Conclusion #

Personalization is a powerful tool for improving the conversion rate, but it is also a double-edged sword. It is very easy to cross the line and use personal data in an unethical way. It is very important to be transparent with customers and to use their data in a way that benefits them, not just the store owner.

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